Dalat Hasfarm Flower Trials 2020
Flower Trials is yearly Event of Dalat Hasfarm which is hold to introduce new varieties of our flowers to customers, partners and sale channels representatives.
The guests will be guided to visit our farms and introduced about technologies, application and usage of biological insecticides in agriculture. They will also directly see and feel the looks of new flowers assortments including shapes , colors, how they are when touching etc.
Due to Covid-19, no customers from overseas and Vietnam joined this week, instead we evaluated with our sales team and production staffs, then send the video clips and results to our main customers for feedback.
During the annual Dalat Hasfarm chrysanthemum flower trials in week 34 in Daron we saw and evaluated 200 varieties of chrysanthemum from 7 international breeders in the different groups of Standard chrysanthemum, Spray Chrysanthemum, Florini, Rossi, Calimero and Santini.
Main introductions for 2021 will be Whatsapp a green decorative spray and Floyd a white single spray, 2 new colors in the Rossi family: cream and dark orange.
Some photos of the Events for your reference.
For video, please view here
Any more information required, please drop an email to our mailbox: dlsales@dalathasfarm.com